A favorite at hunting camp. This is a quick, one pot meal using ground beef, beans and rice. Serve with crushed red pepper flakes and hot pepper sauce...
This is the best chili you will ever have! It's not your ordinary chili with chopped meat! I make this and let it cook in a slow cooker. It's great for...
These chili beans are delicious and so easy to make. Dinner is ready in 45 minutes or less! If your chili doesn't have beans it's not outlaw chili. Garnish...
This is a delicious and exotic alternative to American-style chili. It's not too spicy, but combines intriguing flavors. I adapted this recipe from a traditional...
I just came up with this one day playing around in the kitchen. It's become a ranch favorite. Very unique and meaty, this is always a big hit at our potlucks....
Keep your house cool and dishes to a minimum with this slow-cooked chili cooked completely in the Instant Pot®. Your kids won't notice the hidden beans....
This recipe won the Blum invitational chili cook-off/Super Bowl® party. It really is good. Many people say this but this one guarantees an empty pot when...
A delicious and hearty chili con carne that is also easy to make. The small addition of brown sugar and touch of vinegar in combination with the chili...
This flavorful one-pot chili is the perfect comfort food for a cold winter night. With only 9 ingredients and the use of one pot, prep and cleanup is a...
This is a wonderful quick recipe that is hearty and filling! This recipe can easily be modified. I use 3 cans of beans because I love beans! You can also...
My favorite chili recipe! Of course it's mine and that makes it better than anyone else's...well, at least in my mind :). Easy to make and fills the house...
A flavorful and fast chili made with dried beans. Done rapidly in the Instant Pot® for a quick, delicious meal. Serve with your favorite chili toppings,...
This is a long-standing favorite recipe evolved to suit the slow cooker and minimal messing around. Chop vegetables, brown meat, throw it all in, and walk...
Our Dad's chili is great! Good for kids who don't like spicy foods. They will love this flavorful dish. And, it's easy! In fact, I teach my kids' friends...
This stew beef chili beats ground meat chili 10x all day. Once you take the time to do this, you'll wonder why you didn't discover this classic sooner....
I received this recipe from my sister-in-law's friend and she is from Poland. It has fresh chilies and tomatoes, along with beef and polish sausage. This...
This is a spicy but flavorful chili made with meat! Children may want to eat something else for dinner because this is just too spicy! Dollop some sour...
This chili recipe is many years in the making and I have won several awards with it. I think you'll be pleased with it. You can alter it to your own spice...
Being in Texas, chili is a staple on the few cold days we have each year. This is something I've come up with after years of trying to perfect an easy-to-make...
Chili from a man's point of view. Not for the faint-hearted. May modify Salsa heat and pepper to taste buds. I have to accommodate the females in my family....
This is a Texas style chili recipe with beans. It also uses hamburger rather than chuck. Leaving behind a small amount of the hamburger fat gives it that...
Although it is tradition to flavor chili with a lot of heat, this fall chili (flavored with pumpkin) is milder than most. Autumn recipes don't have to...
While away from home, my husband learned how to cook. The one thing that he prides himself the most on is his chili with okra. I do have to say that even...
Southwestern style chili with chipotle peppers and beef. The chipotle peppers add a nice smoky flavor to this dish. Spice it up or spice it down, it's...
This is a wonderful dish for cold winter days that really fills you up! My mother used to make this for my family, and it quickly became a favorite. This...
Just an easy slow cooker chili recipe I came up with. Can be varied very easily with different ingredients. Serve with corn muffins and a simple tossed...
Don't let the pumpkin scare you! You wouldn't know it was there if the cook didn't tell you! The flavors blend nicely and don't overpower one another....
I have been working on this chili recipe for years now. I think it's almost there. It is involved but worth the experience. Serve in a bowl topped with...
Extra-lean ground beef and lots of veggies are cooked with diced tomatoes in the Instant Pot® for a hearty chili for a cold day. Top with shredded Cheddar...
I LOVE to create new recipes. My son's love for beans and cheese is the inspiration for this very simple chili. It's perfect served with corn bread and...
Add persimmons, who'd-a-thought? Mom made this chili tonight with what she had in the house and it was phenomenal. I had to share. It was a perfect blend...